Підготовка іноземних громадян | Харківський фаховий коледж технологій та дизайну

Підготовка іноземних громадян

       Training of foreigners and persons without citizenship operates according to current legislation of Ukraine “About higher education”, “About legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship”, “About foreign Ukrainians”, About refugees and persons who need additional or temporary protection”, Decree of President of Ukraine from 3rd of June 1994 № 271 “About measurements in development of economic cooperation of Ukrainian regions with adjacent areas of Belarus Republic and administrative-territorial units of Moldova Republic”, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decree from 26th of February 1993 № 136 “About training of foreigners in Ukraine”, from 11th of September 2013 № 684 “Some questions of admission of foreigners and persons without citizenship”, order of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine from 1st of November 2013 № 1541 “Some questions of admission organization and training (internship) of foreigners and persons without citizenship”, registered in Ministry of justice of Ukraine 25th of November 2013 under № 2004/24536 (in order redaction of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine from 11th of December 2015 № 1272).

        Admission of foreigners and persons without citizenship, who are at the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, is carried out based on the interview.

 Admission to the college of foreigners and persons without citizenship is carried out twice a year:

1) not later than 1st of November;

2) not later than 1st of March (providing by group formation)

Foreigners should give to the College following documents:

 1) questionnaire of certain sample;

 2) the copy of education document with list of studied disciplines and marks;

 3) document about lack of AIDS infection if something else doesn’t provided by international agreements of Ukraine;

 4) medical certificate about state of health, which is proved by official body of country’s health protection, that foreigner came from, and got not later than for two months before coming for training in Ukraine;

 5) insurance policy for emergency medical care (except foreigners, who came from countries with which were signed agreements about free emergency medical care);

 6) copy of birth document;

 7) 6 photos in size 30×40 mm;

 8) back ticket with open date for coming back to Motherland valid during one year.

To the application foreigner should add:

 1) document (original and it’s copy) about previous educational (educative-qualifying) level, which is basic for admission;

 2) application (original and it’s copy) to the document about previous educational (educative-qualifying) level, which is basic for admission (in the presence of it);

 3) academic reference, given by foreign / Ukrainian educational establishment (in case of transfer or reinstatement for training, starting from second year of studying, academic reference should be applied);

 4) original and copy of document which contains information about curriculum content by previous level of higher education, received credits, terms of studying and academic performance at the admission for getting level of master or postgraduate education;

 5) copy of passport of foreigner or of document which proves the identity of person without citizenship;

 6) copy of identity card of foreign Ukrainian.